Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Please fill in this questionnaire

Finally starting on Chapter 3, which deals with blogging in Sri lanka and kottu in particular. To do that I need some feeback from those of you who are a part of Kottu... I have copied a questionnaire I prepared on to this post.. can you guys copy and paste the questions and send me the answers to or alternately just leave the answers on the comments box. Please answer the whole questionnaire (or attempt to.... ). I'll try and put up a downloadable questionnaire up over the next few days... until then bear with me and please please help?

QUESTIONNAIRE (for bloggers on Kottu)

Blogger Identity (optional):
Blog Address:
Age of Blog:

What drives you to blog?

Why did you choose to join Kottu?

In your opinion what benefits (if any) does Kottu provide for Sri Lankan bloggers?

Do you see any disadvantages of being part of Kottu?

Do you feel any affinity with other bloggers in Kottu? Why?

How well do you think Kottu functions in its role as a website of Sri Lankan blogs?

Very well Could use improvement

Satisfactory Very poor



Do you feel it should be doing anything more?
Yes No


How far do you feel Sri Lankan’s utilise the medium of the blog?

Do you see the popularity of the blog growing in Sri Lanka? Why?

What role do you see communities such as Kottu playing in the development of blogging in Sri Lanka?


Deane said...

u shud try creating an online one,
or .. ppl are too lazy :)

Ayeshea said...

Thanks deane! Will do... look out for next post!

sittingnut said...

i sent you an email with my answers.
good luck with dissertation